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Dear Colleagues,

The 24th meeting of the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Network in Europe (SPINE) will be held on 23rd of October 2017 at ESTEC (Newton 1 room), Keplerlaan 1, 220AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

This one day workshop will be an open forum on new research and technology, needs and plans in the area of spacecraft plasma interactions.

In particular we seek to trigger interactions with the scientific community on the topic of electrostatic cleanliness of scientific spacecraft embarking sensitive wave and particle instrumentation together with ion emitting systems (e.g. THOR/CLUSTER missions). In addition aspects related to material properties and databases /exchange formats will be addressed.

Contributions on topics of interest such as :

  • Particle and Wave instrument contamination by ion plumes effects
  • Material properties (measurements, databases, new materials, etc ..)
  • Charging environments and standards
  • Electric propulsion plasma environments
  • Plasma instruments and electrostatic cleanliness
  • SPIS performance, current and future developments, interoperability with other simulation tools
are very welcome, the above list not being exhaustive.

We plan to have a dedicated discussion on modelling requirements for the assessment of particle and field measurement contamination by ion plumes, including EM coupling between the ambient plasma and plumes, wave generation, numerical methods (including EM solvers) and associated uncertainties.

Please indicate before the 22d of September 2017 whether you intend to participate and whether you would like to contribute with a presentation (title and author required) or a discussion topic. In either case please indicate by sending an email to: - at - .

Also, please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested. Note : Participation to the meeting is free of charge and open to all organisations from ESA member states but prior registration (by replying to this e-mail) is required to be given access to the meeting venue.

Fabrice Cipriani and David Rodgers

Further Information on SPINE:

The objective of the Spacecraft Plasma Interactions Network in Europe (SPINE) is to share resources and to co-ordinate efforts in all domains related to the interaction of Spacecraft with the space plasma, including spacecraft charging. It is acting as an advisory body for the ESA Space Environment and Effects Network of Competences.

Further details of SPINE and previous SPINE meetings can be found at

Last edited by Amandine Champlain at Nov 16, 2017 4:07 PM