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Synchronisers (soon to be deprecated)

SpisNum4 | SpisNum | SpisUI V4 | Third Part libraries | Data | Documentation

Installation and settings of the synchronisers and the development workshop

The developement workshop has been divided into four sub-projects:

  • SPIS-NUM: dedicated to the developement of the SPIS-NUM components.
  • SPIS-UI: dedicated to the developement of the SPIS-UI components. We recommend strongly the high performences version of SPIS-UI.
  • Third Part: set of extenal librairies (VTK, JVMs....)
  • Data: set of input files

Tree structure

Before to synchronise, you MUST rebuild locally the following file system structure in order to have a complete and self-consistent archive of SPIS.

   |- SpisUI 
   |- SpisNum 
   |- ThirPart 
   |- Doc
   |- Data

Local workspace creation

For the details regarding the creation a locate work space, please see the How to install Java Web Start and How to create a local workspace pages. Please pay attention too the fact that data under this directory will be shared by all users of the current syncrhoniser after synchronisation.

Each synchroniser should be attached to the corresponding directory.

Additionnal files

You must add the following files into the SPIS-ROOT directory:

  •, empty file.


Synchronisers (soon to be deprecated)

Comments: The first synchronisation may be long.

Last edited by Benoit Thiebault at Mar 8, 2011 10:26 AM