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This is the validation synchroniser. Its aim is to check and validate the releases. To generate a full release, you must add the associated packages given as tarball files and unpack them in the SPIS root directory. For cross compliance, please see the SPIS tracking table. After synchronisation and unpacking, the final structure MUST respect the following tree strucuture.

   |- SpisUI 
   |- SpisNum 
   |- ThirPart 
   |- Doc
   |- Data

Local workspace creation

For the details regarding the creation a locate work space, please see the How to install Java Web Start and How to create a local workspace pages. Please pay attention too the fact that data under this directory will be shared by all users of the current syncrhoniser after synchronisation.

Comments: The first synchronisation may be long.

Last Ticket 2898
File encoding UTF-8
Binaries Extensions pdf ps eps zip class gif jpg mp3 mpg png
Synchronizer URI ls://

6 items found, displaying all items.1
Workspace Ticket Ticket Actions User(s)
validation@Asgaard 2898 Jun 4, 2007 5:45 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/seb
0 May 4, 2005 11:28 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/severin
mySpis 2898 May 4, 2005 11:28 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/severin
SpisExport@Ganesh 1170 May 4, 2005 11:28 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/juju
SpisValidation@Ganesh 2898 May 4, 2005 11:28 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/juju
SpisCommunity@ganesh 2898 May 4, 2005 11:28 PM UPDATE - COMMIT /users/juju