Author: Arnaud Trouche

  • How to activate notifications ?

    It is possible to activate notifications on new messages on the forum or new elements on the source code site. Forum notifications To be notified of new messages on the forum, go to the forum and select the category for which you want to be notified (SPIS for example). Click the «Bell» icon and select…

  • Welcome to the new website

    This site is still under construction, please come back later ! In the meantime, the previous website is still available.

  • 27th SPINE meeting

    The 27th SPINE meeting will take place on the 19th and 20th of February 2020 at ESA / ESTEC (room Newton 2), 2200AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. This SPINE workshop is an open forum on new research and technological results, needs and plans in the area of spacecraft plasma interactions. Contributions are very welcome in the…