We intend to hold a meeting of the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Network in Europe (SPINE) on 17 March 2014 at ESA HQ (Paris, France). This will be a venue to discuss new research and technology roadmaps in the area of spacecraft plasma interactions and to present new scientific results.
Preliminary agenda:
20th SPINE Meeting
17 March 2014
Room B0344
ESA HQ, 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, 75015 Paris, France

Participation to the meeting is free of charge and open to all organisations from ESA member states.
Please indicate your willingness to participate to the meeting and whether you plan to present some material (relevant to the above themes or not) by sending an email to: Alain Hilgers at esa dot int before 20 February 2014. The detailed agenda will be communicated later based on proposed contributions from participants on 25 February.