We intend to hold the 21st meeting of the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Network in Europe (SPINE) on 18-19 May 2015 at ESA Head Quarters, Room C, 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, 75015 Paris, France. An access plan and other informations are available here.
This will be a venue to discuss new research and technology roadmaps in the area of spacecraft plasma interactions and to present scientific results and work in progress.
Preliminary agenda
We expect to especially address the following topics:
- Electrostatic cleanliness, charging and deep dielectric charging of satellites
- Plasma instruments
- Electric propulsion environment and Solar Arrays contamination
- Material electrical properties (measurements, databases, new materials, etc ..)
- Modelling/Experiments on dusts grains in space and laboratory plasmas
- SPIS performance and current and future developments
However, this list is far from exhaustive and any other topics related to spacecraft-plasma interactions are potentially relevant.
Please indicate before 1 May 2015 whether you intend to participate and to give the title of a presentation you would like to make or to propose additional discussion topics by sending an email to: Fabrice.Cipriani “at” esa.int and/or David.Rodgers “at” esa.int
Note: Participation to the meeting is free of charge and open to all organisations from ESA member states.